29 August 2011

Fall, Teaching, Not Teaching, and the Zombie Apocalypse

Last I heard from me (since this blog is how I correspond with myself), I was getting ready to teach at that online university place, work for that staffing firm, and my bike had just recently been fixed.

Well, I finished the training program for said online university, they told me I had a class to teach, then there was no enrollment in the class. So, I ended up not teaching there--at least not yet. I've been assured I'm at the top of the list for whenever a class does open up (one with students in it this time).

My bike started making a funky popping noise, so I took it back in and the people at the bike shop said they weren't sure what was wrong with it. They could figure it out though, if I gave them a few days (admittedly, they were a bit swamped). I only took it back home with me that day because otherwise I would have had to walk all the way home in the 110+ degree heat. So I set it aside for awhile, and then my car broke (the bushings wore out on one side; but at the time, I wasn't sure that's what it was). So I rode my bike once after getting it safely home--on that ride, the popping noise suddenly got quite loud and, before I could stop, the rear quick release skewer snapped and half of it shot into the street. So, the bike was no longer functional. It's currently back in the bike shop.

As for the car, I was able to--with the help and expertise of my father-in-law, Mike Johnson--replace the bushing for about $3 and an hour and a half's work. Last year, a mechanic charged me close to $400 to do the same thing, and they put the wrong size bushings on. I didn't know it at the time. But, negative plug for their business anyhow: do not go to Williams Automotive in Emporia. It would appear they're swindlers, of sorts.

Also, I don't work for the staffing firm. I was offered a position teaching at Emporia State again, so I took that. It's pretty good work, none too very strenuous (especially without having to write papers or do homework of my own). So, I am employed, at least for the time being.

Finally, this show thing that I'm in, Slaughterhouse Opera--a rock opera of the zombie apocalypse--has been having some significant success in its opening run. This Tuesday, we're playing at the recordBar in KC (show at 11:00 p.m. if you're interested)--our third show in August. We will be taking a brief sabbatical after this show, so if you want to see it soon, Tuesday's your best bet. For more details, click where it says For more details. I'm not sure if the show date is listed on there at present, but it will be this Tuesday (i.e. tomorrow). $7 cover. Dress like a zombie, get a free kazoo.

Anywho, that's what's been up in this bit o' the globe. Hope you enjoyed the update, and hope to see you Tuesday. Except my mom--she's babysitting my awesome nephew, so she won't be there. But my dad will be there. And who among you hasn't wondered what my dad is like (and where I get it from)?