27 March 2012

But Not Quite Yet, and ScriptFrenzy in April

Hello again. It seems that I have become busier over the past couple months, despite my thought that the hectic pace would diminish somewhat. Such is life. For now. I have taken on new classes and am currently running at over the official maximum allotment for how many students I'm technically allowed to have in my online classes. So, that's a more-than-full-time job. It's running me something like sixty hours a week. Ridiculous, but some people have it worse. It's almost bearable, except the fact that I am realizing more and more how much time I used to have and didn't do anything with. But I think sometimes I work better when I have too much to do--procrastinating on one thing spurs me to accomplish something else, be it laundry, catching up on some reading, or perhaps writing (but not doing the dishes--I still don't like that and wish we had a dishwasher, because I'm lazy about that unless the rest of the house is clean first).

I do plan to get back into writing, and I've found some positive motivation. I've been tinkering with one very specific idea for a screenplay for awhile now. Last year in mid-November, I remembered NaNoWriMo existed, so I was naturally annoyed I hadn't remembered a fortnight earlier. But in working through their website, I stumbled upon ScriptFrenzy, a sister site that runs its event throughout the month of April.

The challenge: write 100 pages of a play/screenplay/teleplay/script/etc. in 30 days. I'm going to do it, despite (read: largely because of) my busy schedule. If you've been wanting to write a screenplay or something similar, or just to try to write one, I humbly ask you to join me. My username on there is "ieromik" but you can probably find my by my email address too. I could use the encouragement/motivation to have some of you along for the ride (I'm lookin' at you, Bethany--you could use some distraction from that other writing, I think; you've been going at it like mad, so take a breather).

I also discovered that NaNoWriMo has had another project for awhile: Camp NaNoWriMo. It's essentially the same deal as NaNoWriMo (i.e. write at least 50,000 words--a novel--in a month). The difference is it's themed as a summer camp, meaning it's not in November. Rather, it's going to happen in June and August. My plan is to participate in both of those. I'll probably throw out a reminder for that when June is a bit closer, because I'll definitely need some of you along for that ride (still looking at you, Bethany--that should be the middle of working-on-one-of-your-sequels time; also looking at Timothy for similar reasons).

For now, who's with me on ScriptFrenzy? Any takers?


EDIT: Anyone?


But there still be many miles to go. said...

Well, I am not trying to write a screenplay or any such thing, so I can't really join you in either of these in-devours. I will however thoroughly support you by leaving you alone while you're writing and not trying to get you to hang out with me.

Also, I'll do the dishes today.

Jeremy D. Ford said...

Hooray for writing time and not having to do the dishes.