11 April 2012

ScriptFrenzy Is Just One of the Things

So, I've fallen a little behind schedule with ScriptFrenzy, a small amount due to spending time with people this past weekend, but mostly due to the extraordinary amount of grading required for the new version of the Composition classes I'm teaching. It was more than I was expecting, there is a lot of brand new content, and I have the largest two classes I've taught since starting at this job. Fortunately, the other courses I was teaching have ended, but these two are still a vast timesuck. So, I figure a few pages behind isn't so bad. Also, if all else fails, I'll have the last couple days of the month to pump out the whole thing (since these classes end just before then).

Currently, I'm 15 pages in, but I should be at about 33 (a third of the way through the month already, apparently). So, I'm a little under halfway to where I should be. But there's still ample time, and hopefully in the next couple days I will finally be fully caught up with these two classes. Then I can really get back to all of this.

As a sidenote, our car has been having even more issues. So, I'm going to have that looked at today. I'm a little concerned about what they're going to say, but we'll just see how it goes.

How has your week been going?


02 April 2012

Starting Into This

Well, time constraints plus more time constraints got in the way, so that beat sheet never got completed.

But on the bright side, I'm currently five pages into my script (about right on schedule). I can tell already that there will be a lot of revision work to do once it's done, but I'm going to try to keep pace here, and finish the thing. I need to actually get through the draft to the end before I get nitpicky on the details. Being nitpicky has prevented me from completing far too many writing projects in the past. I need to just stick to it, and see what happens.

Any words of encouragement are welcome. I suppose heckling and disparaging remarks along the lines of "You'll never make it" could also be serviceable substitutes for encouragement. I'll leave that up to you though. For now, I'm on track, and I hope to stay that way.

Another update will occur quite likely within three or four days. Maybe sooner, if I'm feeling over-ambitious.