04 October 2011

For You and for Vince Gilligan

Dear Vince Gilligan,

Thanks for your recent work developing/producing Breaking Bad. I appreciate it. There was some extensive research that went into that show--either that, or you have some serious explaining to do. Regardless, I have come to appreciate the intensity of the show; there is tension even in the calmest moments. But every once in awhile, a moment of utter clarity occurs (often it is a humorous moment) wherein the viewer receives an unexpectedly well-delivered payoff for dealing with and being invested in the dramatic tension that is the core of the show.


This is not meant to be a plug for the show, although it is something I would recommend, if you like good television; plus, the first three seasons are on Netflix instant. Rather, this is thanks to a producer for a quality product that inspires my own creativity. I have developed a number of plot and character ideas while watching the show. That isn't to say I'm taking his characters and trying to use them as my own--that's not the case at all. But I do see various elements in the characters' interactions that seem to speak to me as a writer, more than as a viewer. It's a nice effect.

For all of you: what is something (maybe something recent) that inspires you to do what you do?



Juliet said...

That show is too intense for me, but I'm glad you like it.

Honestly, actually teaching in the schools has been helping me feel inspired to be a teacher. Teaching inspiring teaching. Woo.

Amanda and Katie said...

hmm, i have realized that the last time i used a blogger account, it was for the compounded, so this and the last post appear to be from katie, too. oh, well, she'll never know.